Teaching Philosophy:
A primary driver of my undergraduate and graduate training has been igniting student enthusiasm for the topics about which I am passionate through teaching and mentorship. For more information on my teaching philosophy and practice, please refer to my teaching statement.
Teaching Fellowships:
PSY105: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology, Duke University
Awarded Duke University Summer 2020 Teaching Fellowship
Served as sole instructor of record for core course
Flexibly adapted course to virtual administration in response to COVID-19 restrictions
Teaching Assistantships:
PSY105 Abnormal Psychology
Course type: introductory undergraduate course, 100 students
My role: lead two 25-student discussion sections, complete guest lecture, prepare course materials, grade exams and papers, meet regularly with instructor
PSY104 Social Psychology
Course type: introductory undergraduate course, 100 students
My role: complete guest lecture; prepare course materials; grade exams group projects, and papers; meet regularly with instructor; host weekly office hours
NEUROSCI277 Looking Inside The Disordered Brain
Course type: advanced undergraduate course, 75 students
My role: prepare course materials; grade exams, quizzes, and papers; meet regularly with instructor
Guest Lectures & University Presentations:
Fall 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology: Neuroscience & Psychopathology.
Introductory Undergraduate Course, Duke University.
Spring 2020, 2019 | Cinema of Psychopathology: Ethics of Psychological Treatments.
Advanced Undergraduate Seminar, Duke University.
Spring 2019 | Health Psychology: Psychological Aspects of Infertility.
Advanced Undergraduate Course, Meredith College.
Spring 2018 | Introduction to Social Psychology: Social Influence.
Introductory Undergraduate Course, Duke University.
Summer 2017 | Invited Panel Member, Graduate Student Panel: Graduate school information session for undergraduate psychology & neuroscience graduate students.
Office of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University.
College Teaching Certificate Candidate:
Complete systematic pedagogical training that promotes current best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment of student learning outcomes
Coursework: College Teaching & Visual Communication, College Teaching & Course Design
Peer observation: observe and be observed by other candidates during teaching experience in service of developing ongoing reflective teaching practice
Vertical Integration Program (VIP) Mentor | Summer 2018, Summer 2019, Summer 2020
Undergraduate Thesis Project Mentor | 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
Undergraduate Research Assistant Advisor | 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21